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PuckLuck Primer: 10/13/23

We had our first BIG DUBS day yesterday with every play listed in the Primer hitting and profiting +10.03 units in total, assuming you're following our suggested bet percentages.

For those not yet acclimated, instead of touting units we tout betting bankroll percentages, so that you can easily understand safe betting practices and adjust the weight of your bet accordingly. In simpler terms, if you have $100 in your account and we suggest a 10% bet on a pick, your bet amount is $10.

If your unit amount was $10 then you profited $100 last night alone. That's 27.67% return on investment - well past the 3-5% a professional bettor would expect to return. Every night won't be as successful, but we ran into many of such nights all throughout last season. In order to maximize profit, it's important to stick to the process and not get crazy by parlaying picks or exceed the suggest bet percentages too much.

Friday brings us only two games, so let's dig deep to find our edges:

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